"A practical guide to the Sagi method of healing across space and time Shows that we can interact with the Akashic information field to diagnose and treat illnesses nonlocally and that the effects are controllable and verifiable Details techniques for diagnosing and transferring healing information at a distance, using geometric symbols to treat acute infections and reduce pain, and integrating information medicine with homeopathy and chakra therapy Shares the author's development of her method, including stories of successful remote healings and her interactions with pioneers such as Erich Kèorbler"--
Foreword by Ervin Laszlo
A Personal Note
Nonlocal Healing: An Introduction
How I Discovered Nonlocal Space- and Time-Transcending Healing
Pater Louis
Exploring Macrobiotics and Various Other Methods
Mind Control with the Silva Method
Working with Erich Körbler
Collaboration with Gordon Flint and the Psionic Medical Society Collaboration with Healer Franz Stern in Germany
My Method of Nonlocal Healing
The Modalities of Nonlocal Diagnosis and Healing
1 A Short History of Healing with Information
Examples of Information-Based Healing in Traditional Cultures
The Power of Geometry in Ancient Healing Practices
Ötzi the Iceman by Robert Csiszar
The Growth of the Mechanistic Worldview
2 Innovations in Complementary Medicine
The Context of the New Sciences Rediscovering Holistic Medicine The Coming of Age of Low-Dose Medicine by Alessandro Pizzoccaro
3 Setting the Stage for Nonlocal Healing
Laszlo’s Concept of the Cosmic Information Field
Sagi’s Theory of the Generic Species Pattern and the Individual Morphic Pattern
The Mechanism of Nonlocal Healing
4 Structural Basis of Diagnosis and Therapy
Körbler’s Vector System
The Techniques of Psionic Medicine
The Combined Symbol System of the Sagi Method
5 Principles of the Sagi Diagnostic Procedures
Information-Based Proximal and Nonlocal Healing in the Sagi Method Determining the Moment of Cause
Record the Medical History of the Patient
Create the Specifics of the Treatment Using the Bioindicator
Diagnosis Based on a Photograph of the Patient
Attune to the Nonlocal Information Emanating from the Patient
Testing the Head of the Patient
Choosing the Right Therapy
Final Thoughts on Diagnosis and Healing
Applying the Sagi Method
6 The Application of Symbols and Symbol Combinations in Nonlocal Healing
Effects of Symbol Combinations Depending on the Position of the Y Symbol in the Symbol Combination
Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Infections in a Variety of Cases
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Infections Free of Fever or with Moderate Fever
The Role of the Intestinal System in Acute Illnesses
The Application of the Y Symbol in Nonlocal Healing
The Role of Informed Water
7 Nonlocal Healing with Homeopathy
Spiritual Elements in Hahnemann’s Homeopathy Scientific Studies of Homeopathy as Information Medicine Information-Based Diagnosis
8 Nonlocal Diagnosis and Healing through Chakras
The Method of Chakra Diagnosis and Therapy Correcting Chakra Functions with Information-Based Treatment
PART III Further Support for Nonlocal Healing
9 Intuition and Nonlocal Communication
Examples of Healing through Everyday Intuitions
An Overview of Nonlocal Information Transmission
Therapeutic Intention: Into the Next Generation by Stephan A. Schwartz Personal Experiences of Nonlocal Communication
10 The Support of Nonlocal Information Transmission by Physiological Data
Background on the EEG
Characteristics of the EEG Frequency Bands
The Synchronization of the Two Hemispheres
Physiological Correlates in Nonlocal Healing
Epilogue by Ervin Laszlo
Radionics: Technology to Assist Nonlocal Healing
By Peter W. Köhne
Short History of Radionics
The Anatomical “Knocking Atlas”
Ruth Drown and the Life Energy
The First Radionics Patent
England, Stronghold of Radionics
New Radionic Concepts
The Step to Computer Technology