'LETHAL is pacy, sexy, ingeniously plotted and utterly gripping.' -- Mail on Sunday 'A relentless pace and clever plot twists keep the pages turning.' -- Publishers Weekly Starred Review 'A whirlwind of murder, suspicion, lies, deceit, this book has it all.' -- Alwaysreading.net 'It's a great, entertaining read, with lots of surprising twists and turns, credibly flawed characters and a love affair that's as steamy as a Savannah summer.' -- Lisa Scottoline, Washington Post on Ricochet 'A masterful storyteller, carefully crafting tales that keep readers on the edge of their seats.' -- USA Today 'Millions of readers clamour for the compelling novels of Sandra Brown. And no wonder! She fires your imagination with irresistible characters, unexpected plot twists, scandalous secrets ... so electric you feel the zing.' -- Literary Guild 'Brown's novels define the term page turner.' -- Booklist 'There's a shocking ending and Honor is a great heroine - an ordinary mum thrown into extraordinary circumstances' -- Woman