Informationen zur Reihe:
Oxford School Shakespeare
enthält den ungekürzten Text der Stücke mit Anmerkungen und Erklärungen.
Jede Seite ist in zwei Spalten gegliedert, Text und Anmerkungen stehen nebeneinander
Zeichnungen erläutern besonders schwierige Wörter und Ausdrücke
Jeder Akt und jede Szene wird knapp zusammengefasst
Allgemeine Anmerkungen zu den wichtigsten Charakteren
Hinweise zu Prüfungsfragen
Ein vollständiges Verzeichnis der Stücke Shakespeares
Eine kurze Biografie des Dichters und Dramatikers
Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed edition especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. The Merchant of Venice is a popular text for study by secondary students the world over.
Key features:
1. Accessible notes and commentataries
2. Two-column format for easy reference checking and immediate explanations
3. Wide margins to provide plenty of space for annotations and note taking
4. Additional information and reading lists (including websites)
5. Illustrations dotted throughout, both contextual and explanatory
Suitable for:
- Students aged 11+
- All exam boards
The Oxford School Shakespeare range includes over 20 of Shakespeare's plays, plus revision resources for Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.
- Introduction
- - About the Play
- - Leading Characters in the Play
- - Synopsis
- - Shylock
- - Shakespeare's Verse
- - Source, Text, and Date
- Characters in the Play
- - The Merchant of Venice
- - The Merchant of Venice: the Source
- William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616
- Approximate Dates of Composition of Shakespeare's Work
- Exploring The Merchant of Venice in the Classroom
- - Ways into the Play
- - Setting the Scene
- - Keeping Track of the Action
- - Characters
- - Themes
- - Shakespeare's Language
- - Exploring with Drama
- - Writing about The Merchant of Venice
- Further Reading and Rescources