Survival, the IISS's bimonthly journal, challenges conventional wisdom and brings fresh, often controversial, perspectives on strategic issues of the moment.
Survival 66.3 (June-July 2024), 212
Planning for a Post-American Europe by François Heisbourg, Two Cheers for Biden's Ukraine Policy by Peter Harris, NATO's Anniversary Predicament by Sara Bjerg Moller, Civilisational Conflict, by Hilton L. Root, Russia, the Global South and the Mechanics of the Nuclear Order by Hanna Notte Noteworthy A War They Both Are Losing: Israel, Hamas and the Plight of Gaza by Daniel Byman, Iran and Israel: Everything Short of War, by John Raine with Ben Barry, Nick Childs, Fabian Hinz and Julia Voo Biden's Misguided China Policy by Lanxin Xiang Forever Bound? Japan's Road to Self-defence and the US Alliance by Lotje Boswinkel Preventing Nuclear War by Edward Ifft The Gulf States' Pragmatism in Afghanistan by Hasan T. Alhasan and Asna Wajid Changing the Way We Think About Europe by Erik Jones The Western Forces' March to the Sea by Jonathan Stevenson
Book Reviews Culture and Society, by Jeffrey Mazo, Politics and International Relations by Chester A. Crocker, Europe by Erik Jones, Another Special Relationship? The United States and Japan by Robert Ward