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Red Storm Rising

A Suspense Thriller

135 Lesepunkte
13,49 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Sa, 29.03. - Do, 03.04.
Versand in 2 Wochen
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Ein Attentat arabischer Fundamentalisten auf eines der wichtigesten Ölfelder Sibiriens bringt die Sowjetunion in fatalen Zugzwang, denn ihrer maroden Wirtschaft droht der endgültige Zusammenbruch. Das Tor zum Überleben liegt für Moskau am Persischen Golf. Doch der Preis für den'freien' Zugang ist hoch - zu hoch für die ganze Welt. Denn die Hardliner im Kreml schrecken auch vor einem Schlag gegen die NATO nicht zurück. Das Unternehmen 'Roter Sturm' läuft an: in den Weltmeeren, in der Luft und vor allem auf dem europäischen Festland. Und wie bei einer dramatischen Dokumentation zieht Tom Clancy den Leser mitten hinein in einen eskalierenden Weltkonflikt, in dem Strategen aller Nationen gegen Ehrenkodex und Befehle Entscheidungen für das Überleben aller treffen müssen.
From the author of the Jack Ryan series comes an electrifying #1 New York Times bestseller a standalone military thriller that envisions World War 3. . .

A chillingly authentic vision of modern war, Red Storm Rising is as powerful as it is ambitious. Using the latest advancements in military technology, the world's superpowers battle on land, sea, and air for ultimate global control. It is a story you will never forget. Hard-hitting. Suspenseful. And frighteningly real.

Harrowing. . . tense. . . a chilling ring of truth. TIME


01. Juli 1987
Tom Clancy
349 g
Größe (L/B/H)
175/106/45 mm


Tom Clancy

A little more than thirty years ago Tom Clancy was a Maryland insurance broker with a passion for naval history. Years before, he had been an English major at Baltimore’s Loyola College and had always dreamed of writing a novel. His first effort, The Hunt for Red October, sold briskly as a result of rave reviews, then catapulted onto the New York Times bestseller list after President Reagan pronounced it “the perfect yarn.” From that day forward, Clancy established himself as an undisputed master at blending exceptional realism and authenticity, intricate plotting, and razor-sharp suspense. He passed away in October 2013.


Praise for Red Storm Rising

Exciting. . . fast and furious. USA Today

A rattling good yarn. . . lots of action. The New York Times

Praise for Tom Clancy

He constantly taps the current world situation for its imminent dangers and spins them into an engrossing tale. The New York Times Book Review

A brilliant describer of events. The Washington Post

No one can equal his talent for making military electronics and engineering intelligible and exciting. . . He remains the best! Houston Chronicle


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