Wilfrid Hodges is a Professor of Mathematics at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. He has held visiting appointments in the US.
Part 1 Consistency: consistent sets of beliefs.
Part 2 Expressing beliefs in sentences: beliefs and words; declarative sentences; ambiguity.
Part 3 When is a sentence true?: truth and references; borderline cases and bizarre situations; misleading statements; possible situations and meanings.
Part 4 Testing for consistency and validity: consistent sets of short sentences; the tableau technique; arguments.
Part 5 How are complex sentences built up?: phrase-classes; phrase-markers; scope; context-free grammars.
Part 6 Logical analysis: sentence-functors and truth-functors; some basic truth-functors; special problems with "->" and ""; analyis of complex sentences.
Part 7 Sentence tableaux: sentence tableaux; interpretations.
Part 8 Propositional calculus: a formal language; truth-tables; properties of semantic entailment; formal tableaux.
Part 9 Designators and identity: designators and predicates; purely referential occurrences; two policies on reference; identity.
Part 10 Relations: satisfaction; binary relations; "same", "at least" and "more"; equivalence relations.
Part 11 Quantifiers: quantification; "all" and "some"; quantifier rules.
Part 12 Predicate logic: logical scope; analyses using identity; predicate interpretations; predicate tableaux; formalization again.
Part 13 Horizons of logic: likelihood; intension; semantics.