Brian Trent’ s speculative fiction appears regularly in the world’ s top speculative fiction markets including ANALOG, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Orson Scott Card’ s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Daily Science Fiction, Apex (winning the Story of the Year Reader’ s Poll), Escape Pod, Flash Fiction Online, COSMOS, Galaxy’ s Edge, Nature, The Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk, Pseudopod, and numerous year’ s best anthologies. His work has been featured in several volumes of Flame Tree Publishing’ s popular Gothic Fantasy Series.
The author of the historical fantasy series Rahotep, Trent is also a Baen Fantasy Adventure Award finalist and Writers of the Future winner. His nonfiction works have also appeared in Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld, Humanist, and UTNE.
Combining a fascination for history with a unique vision of the future, Trent’ s novel Ten Thousand Thunders is the beginning of an exciting new science fiction universe.
Trent lives in New England, where he works as a novelist, screenwriter, and poet. His website and blog are located at www. briantrent. com.
Baen Fantasy Award Finalist
Writers of the Future Winner
Apex Magazine Story of the Year Winner