Introduces the novel concept of affective social learning to explain how values are socially transmitted.
A difficult introduction to affective social learning Fabrice Clément and Daniel Dukes; Part I. On the Evolutionary Foundations of Affective Social Learning Processes: Lessons from Comparative Psychology: 1. Social learning among wild orang-utans: is it effective? Caroline Schuppli and Carel van Schaik; 2. Affective social learning and the emotional side of cultural learning in primates Thibaud Gruber and Christine Sievers; Part II. On Human Development and Affective Social Learning: 3. Affective social learning: from nature to culture Paul Harris; 4. Natural pedagogy of social emotions György Gergely and Ildikó Király; Part III. On the Mechanics of Affective Social Learning: 5. Calibrating emotional orientations: social appraisal and other kinds of relation alignment Brian Parkinson; 6. Socio-affective inferential mechanisms involved in emotion recognition Christian Mumenthaler and David Sander; 7. Learning from others' emotions Agneta Fischer; Part IV. Applications of Affective Social Learning: 8. Chastening the future: what we learn from others' regret Antony Manstead, Magdalena Rychlowska and Job van der Schalk; 9. Insights from culture and emotion research for affective social learning: emotional enculturation and acculturation Jozefien De Leersnyder; Conclusion: laying the foundations of affective social learning Fabrice Clément and Daniel Dukes.