`I love Nigella Lawson s writing and I love her recipes Delia Smith
`There s an intelligence to the way she writes and she expects a certain intelligence of her readers as well Nigel Slater
I am unapologetic about being a home cook rather than a chef.
Real cooking, the sort that goes on in homes, does not have to be tricksy or difficult. A dish of chicken poached with leeks and carrots definitely isn t fancy. But it tastes good, and feels essentially nourishing, to both body and soul, to cook and eat.
I want you to feel that I m there with you, in the kitchen, as you cook. My books are the conversations we might be having.
Nigella Lawson has written nine bestselling cookery books, including the classics How To Eat and How to Be A Domestic Goddess the book that launched a thousand cupcakes. These books, her TV series and her Quick Collection apps, have made her a household name around the world. In 2014 she was voted Best Food Personality at the Observer Food Monthly Awards.
www. nigella. com
`Her prose is as nourishing as her recipes Salman Rushdie, Observer
`Miss Lawson is the Thinking Person s Cook. She tells stories, she explains why things must be the way she says they must be. . . enlightenment and sensual pleasure Jeanette Winterson, The Times