The present volume is dedicated to celebrate the work of the renowned mathematician Herbert Amann, who had a significant and decisive influence in shaping Nonlinear Analysis. The 32 contributions cover a wide range of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations with applications to natural sciences and engineering.
Bounded Imaginary Powers and H? -Calculus of the Stokes Operator in Unbounded Domains. - Exact Estimates of Solutions to the Robin Boundary Value Problem for Elliptic Non-divergent Second-order Equations in a Neighborhood of the Boundary Conical Point. - Well-posedness of a Two-phase Flow with Soluble Surfactant. - Resolvent Differences for General Obstacles. - Special Finite Time Extinction in Nonlinear Evolution Systems: Dynamic Boundary Conditions and Coulomb Friction Type Problems. - Spectral Projections, Riesz Transforms and H? -calculus for Bisectorial Operators. - Very Weak Solutions of Stationary and Instationary Navier-Stokes Equations with Nonhomogeneous Data. - Grow-up on the Boundary for a Semilinear Parabolic Problem. - Existence and Uniqueness Results for Reaction-diffusion Processes of Electrically Charged Species. - An Inverse Problem for a Phase-field Model in Sobolev Spaces. - Numerical Analysis of Microstructures: The Influence of Incompatibility. - Nonlinear Singular Elliptic Problems: Recent Results and Open Problems. - The Navier-Stokes Flow in the Exterior of Rotating Obstacles. - A Global Bifurcation Result for Variational Inequalities. - On Elliptic Non-divergence Operators with Measurable Coefficients. - A Chemotaxis Model with Threshold Density and Degenerate Diffusion. - In the blink of an Eye. - Generalized Minimal Cardinal of the ? -slices of the Semi-bounded Components Arising in Global Bifurcation Theory. - Blow-up of Solutions of a Semilinear Heat Equation with a Visco-elastic Term. - Finite Element Methods for Investigating the Moving Boundary Problem in Biological Development. - Existence of Weak Solutions to the Equations of Stationary Motion of Heat-conducting Incompressible Viscous Fluids. - Liouville Type Theorems and Complete Blow-up for IndefiniteSuperlinear Parabolic Equations. - On Reducing the 2d Navier-Stokes Equations to a System of Delayed ODEs. - Quasilinear Parabolic Equations in Lp. - Parabolic Equations in Locally Uniform Spaces. - Bifurcation of Traveling Waves Related to the Bénard Equations with an Exterior Force. - Vector-valued Sobolev Spaces and Gagliardo-Nirenberg Inequalities. - The Influence of Gradient Perturbations on Blow-up Asymptotics in Semilinear Parabolic Problems: A Survey. - Non-existence of Positive Solutions for Diffusive Logistic Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions. - Extremal Equilibria and Asymptotic Behavior of Parabolic Nonlinear Reaction-diffusion Equations. - A Remark on Continuous Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations with Unbounded Diffusion Coefficients. - On Lp-Estimates of Optimal Type for the Parabolic Oblique Derivative Problem with VMO-Coefficients A Refined Version.