Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychologism presents a remarkable diversity of contemporary opinions on the prospects of addressing philosophical topics from a psychological perspective. It considers the history and philosophical merits of psychologism, and looks systematically at psychologism in phenomenology, cognitive science, epistemology, logic, philosophy of language, philosophical semantics, and artificial intelligence. It juxtaposes many different philosophical standpoints, each supported by rigorous philosophical argument.
Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychologism is intended for professionals in the fields indicated, advanced undergraduate and graduate students in related areas of study, and interested lay readers.
Psychologism in Logic: Bacon to Bolzano. - Between Leibniz and Mill: Kant s Logic and the Rhetoric of Psychologism. - Psychologism and Non-Classical Approaches in Traditional Logic. - The Concept of `Psychologism in Frege and Husserl. - Psychologism and Sociologism in Early Twentieth-Century German-Speaking Philosophy. - The Space of Sings: C. S. Peirce s Critique of Psychologism. - Quinean Dreams or, Prospects for a Scientific Epistemology. - Late froms of Psychologism and Antipsychologism. - Propositions and the Objects of Thought. - The Concepts of Truth and Knowledge in Psychologism. - Psychologism Revisited in Logic, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. - Why There is Nothing Rather Than Something: Quine on Behaviorism, Meaning, and Indeterminacy. - Cognitive Illusions and the Welcome Psychologism of Logicist Artificial Intelligence.