This book includes a collection of papers on both natural (biological) and artificial (computer) approaches to several facets of intelligent behavior from the primary viewpoint of the convergence of computer science and biology in the theory of cognitive science. .
1. Introduction 2. Is Decision Theory a Branch of Biology? 3. Evolutionary Computing by Dynamics in Living Organisms 4. Selective Networks and Recognition Automata 5. Biologically Motivated Machine Intelligence 6. Concurrent Computation and Models of Biological Information Processing 7. Evolutionary Learning of Complex Modes of Information Processing 8. Genes as Bits for Nervous System Development 9. Dynamics of Image Formation by Nerve Cell Assemblies 10. Prolegomena to Evolutionary Programming 11. Neuronal Dynamics and Evolutionary Learning 12. Generalization in Evolutionary Learning with Enzymatic Neuron-based Systems 13. The Application of Algorithmic Probability to Problems in Artificial Intelligence 14. Novelty and Redundancy in Problem Solving 15. Order and Disorder in Knowledge Structures 16. Conclusion