From the palaces of Homeric epic to the ancestral seat of Roman emperors, Troy in antiquity was a place couched in myth. But for nearly four millennia, Troy was also a living city, inhabited by real people. Troy today is therefore a site of major archaeological and historical significance. In the modern world, however, Troy has become as much a symbol as a site. From movies to computer viruses, from condom branding to reggae records, Troy is a word to conjure with.
This book explores the significance of Troy in three areas: the mythic, the archaeological, and the cultural, and highlights the continuing importance of the site today. Including a survey of the archaeological remains of Troy as they are currently understood, the volume presents an all-inclusive overview of the site's history, from the Troy of Homer to Classical Antiquity and beyond. The modern day cultural significance of the Trojan War is also discussed, including re-tellings of the stories or representations of the site and myth, and the more abstract use of Troy as a symbol - as a brand for consumer goods, and as a metaphor for contemporary conflicts.
List of Figures
Part One: Myth
Chapter 1. Introducing Troy
Chapter 2. The Making of a Myth
Chapter 3. The Story of Discovery
Chapter 4. The Truth about the Trojan War
Part Two: City
Chapter 5. Early Troy, c. 3000-1750 BCE
Chapter 6. Troy in the Age of Heroes, c. 1750-1180 BCE
Chapter 7. Troy in the 'Dark Age', c. 1180-900 BCE
Chapter 8. Troy in the Greek World, c. 900-335 BCE
Chapter 9. Troy in the Hellenistic World, 334-85 BCE
Chapter 10. Troy in the Roman World, 85 BCE - 7th century
Part Three: Icon
Chapter 11. All Roads Begin at Troy
Chapter 12. All You Need is Love
Chapter 13. War. What is it Good For?
Chapter 14. Troy Today
Guide to Further Reading