This important book presents leading experts from around the world providing useful instruction on effective ways to plan for future crisis response and strategies for recovering business. The book is extensively referenced and includes several tables and figures to clearly explain data.
1. Tourism Crises and Marketing Recovery Strategies 2. Stealth Risks and Catastrophic Risks: On Risk Perception and Crisis Recovery Strategies 3. Mediating the Effects of Natural Disasters on Travel Intention 4. Tourism Crisis Management and Organizational Learning: The Role of Reflection in Developing Effective DMO Crisis Strategies 5. The Role of Market Orientation in Managing Crises During the Post-Crisis Phase 6. A Cautionary Tale of a Resort Destination's Self-Inflicted Crisis 7. Communicating Tourism Crises Through Destination Websites 8. London Tourism: A 'Post-Disaster' Marketing Response 9. Understanding the Potential Impact on the Image of Canada as a Weekend Travel Destination as a Result of Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Passport Requirements 10. Branding Post-Conflict Destinations: Recreating Montenegro After the Disintegration of Yugoslavia 11. Tourism Market Recovery in the Maldives After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 12. Market Segmentation in Time of Crisis: A Case Study of the MICE Sector in Thailand 13. Post Crisis Recovery: The Case of After Cyclone Larry 14. The Heart Recovery Marketing Campaign: Destination Recovery After a Major Bushfire in Australia's National Capital 15. Crisis Management: A Case Study from the Greek Passenger Shipping Industry 16. Crisis Management Planning to Restore Tourism After Disasters: A Case Study from Taiwan 17. Repositioning a Tourism Destination: The Case of New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina 18. Backpacking Your Way into Crisis: An Exploratory Study into Perceived Risk and Tourist Behaviour Amongst Young People 19. Crisis Management in Tourism: Preparing for Recovery 20. Developing a Research Agenda for Tourism Crisis Management, Market Recovery and Communications