Big. Curvy. Thick. Whatever term you use for not skinny, that's what I've always been.
Pole dancing helped me learn to appreciate my curvy body and even feel sexy. And while my self-esteem has improved over the years, my taste in men has always been stuck in the tall, dark, and toxic category.
After breaking it off with my latest mistake, I'll admit I went a little wild. But those random hookups got old real fast and that's not how I want to live my life going forward. So I decided to take a self-imposed man break.
When Simon Parker asked me on a date, I had no intention of accepting his offer. We worked together for almost a decade and I never thought of him as anything more than a good friend. But my pole ladies convinced me to give him a chance.
So I said yes, never expecting my stomach to flutter when he picked me up. Or that his lips against mine would feel oh-so-right.
But I'd be lying if I said the thought of diving into another relationship doesn't freak me out a little. Or a lot. I've been doing well on my own. I don't know if I'm ready to risk my hard-won confidence.
Plus, Simon's definitely not my usual type. But that's probably a good thing, right?