Roberta Flack the four-time Grammy Awardwinningartist is back after an eight yearabsence with a brand new album, "LET IT BEROBERTA: ROBERTA FLACK SINGS THEBEATLES"-a collection of Beatles songinterpretations. The project has garnered theblessing of Yoko Ono who contributed theliner notes to LET IT BE ROBERTA.Newly signed to a partnership of 429 Records,Sony ATV Music Publishing and Flack's RASRecords, the album which was produced bySherrod Barnes, who has also producedBeyonce' and Angie Stone, with contributingproducers Jerry Barnes and Barry Miles, isslated for release in April, 2012
Aus dem Inhalt:
1 In My Life
2 Hey Jude
3 We Can Work it Out
4 Let It Be
5 Oh Darling
6 I should Have Known Better
7 The Long & Winding Road
8 Come Together
9 Isn t It A Pity
10 If I Fell
11 And I Love Her
12 Here, There, and Everywhere