While helping Michelle seek a Mother's Day gift at a local antique store, her fiancé Tyler discovers a life-sized mannequin of a Native American chief. Attached to its wrist is a leather bracelet with a red gemstone centerpiece.
Ironically, the bracelet is identical to the one that they found left behind in a nearby abandoned house when they first began dating. Tyler had kept it with him as a souvenir. The store owner, John Harrington, is wearing one, too.
Is this just a coincidence or is there more to it?
John eventually divulges the secret. Suddenly, the world before them starts to shift. The clock is turned back several centuries, and the three find themselves standing within the vast plains that are now empty. Little do they know, the land is dominated by native tribespeople, hungry for battle with anyone who poses a threat.
Before they can soak in the wonder of the unfamiliar territory, Michelle is kidnapped by a stranger. This prompts John to reveal that he is also searching for his daughter, who disappeared years ago and was never found.
Tyler and John must think and act quickly before it's too late. Can they find the two missing women and bring them back home? Or will they forever remain lost under the shadows of the tall mountains of Laramie?
They need to hurry. Time is not on their side. . .