Salvaged is an epic adventure about a man's thankless quest to stop the mysterious planet killing machines known as the Unit Primes. Our story begins with L-Bee, a young boy who survives the destruction of his planet by a Unit Prime, only to find himself aboard a space freighter of aliens banded together by their desire to stop the Unit Primes at any cost. The story then catches up with L-Bee twenty-some years later. L-Bee, now the captain of his own freighter, still lives under the shadow cast by the Unit Primes. His obsession only grows stronger when he stumbles across a deactivated Prime at an intergalactic junkyard. With the deactivated Prime in tow, L-Bee makes it his mission to find out the Prime's origins and what exactly makes it tick. Unfortunately for him, he may be doomed to repeat his past. From creator Chris Dreier (GI Joe, Angel, Crossed). Collects the entire Salvaged: Unit Primes series.