An extraordinary novel from John Updike - the story of 18-year-old Ahmad, whose devotion to Allah and the sacred words of the Qur'an, as revealed to him by the local imam, leads him to commit himself to an act of terror.
Born of an Irish-American mother still searching through sensuous pleasures for her own fulfillment and an Egyptian father long since disappeared, Ahmad craves spiritual nurture and regards so contemptuously the self-indulgent society he sees around him in the faded town of New Prospect, New Jersey, overlooking Manhattan, that the call to self-sacrifice seems a blessing. Neither the world-weary, though well-intentioned, guidance counselor at the high school nor the mischievously seductive classmate Joryleene succeeds in deflecting Ahmad from his determination. And inevitably he is drawn into an insidious plot.
Ahmad, der Sohn einer amerikanischen Mutter und eines ägyptischen Vaters fühlt sich fremd in der Kleinstadt in New Jersey, in der er lebt, und sehnt sich nach spiritueller Erfahrung. Sich selbst im Namen Allahs zu opfern, erscheint ihm als Erlösung und er entschließt sich zu einer schrecklichen Tat.