Lisa Cho is a writer based in San Francisco, California. She considers herself fortunate to have had the opportunity to wander the globe. She’ s visited nineteen countries, but Ecuador has particular significance. She first arrived in Ecuador in 2012 with just a suitcase, planning to see the sights; she ended up living there for three years.
She has visited the Galá pagos several times with an interesting mix of experiences. She has stayed in backpacker hostels, upscale eco-lodges, and sailed on cruises. She’ s taken the most popular tours and ventured off the beaten path. She has gone hiking, biking, kayaking, SUP, snorkeling, SCUBA, taken surfing lessons, and camping on the islands. After several trips spanning a decade, she still considers herself a tourist on the islands: She loves to watch blue-footed boobies, playful sea lion pups, and giant tortoises, and snaps photographs by the thousands.