'You don't just read a Steve Berry novel. You live it.' -- James Rollins 'A top-notch, gripping, intelligent thriller in the very finest traditions of the genre' -- Peter James on THE PARIS VENDETTA 'Steve Berry always finds intriguing ways to link the past to the present in his fast-paced thrillers.' -- Harlan Coben on THE PARIS VENDETTA 'All the Berry hallmarks are here: scale, scope, sweep, history - plus breathless second-by-second suspense. I love this guy.' -- Lee Child on THE PARIS VENDETTA 'Sexy, illuminating...my kind of thriller' -- Dan Brown on THE AMBER ROOM 'In Malone, Berry has created a classic, complex hero' -- USA Today on THE CHARLEMAGNE PURSUIT 'Pure intrigue. Pure fun.' -- Clive Cussler on Steve Berry 'Action-packed, fast paced and engaging' -- Sunday Express on THE VENETIAN BETRAYAL 20080504