The Constitution ... secret codes ... loads of history ... AND pirates! What else does anyone need? THE JEFFERSON KEY won't just haunt your nights - it'll haunt your life. Cotton Malone is coming back to the scariest place of all: Home. Brad Meltzer One of the most spellbinding and ingenious openings in all of thrillerdom ... The action is intense and masterfully choreographed. As always with Steve Berry, you're educated about significant things while your knuckles are turning white and the pages are flying. Easily Cotton Malone's most epic, swashbuckling adventure. David Baldacci THE JEFFERSON KEY starts with a bang and holds the reader in its grip until the last page. Fascinating American history, up-to-the-minute politics, pulse-pounding action. Vince Flynn 'Ingeniously plotted ... Berry offers plenty of twists and vivid action scenes in a feat of historical imagination' Publisher's Weekly 'Berry builds on actual historical facts to create a no-holds-barred thriller guaranteed to increase the pulse of the reader' The Associated Press '[a] page turner' Los Angeles Times A top-notch, gripping, intelligent thriller in the very finest traditions of the genre Peter James on THE PARIS VENDETTA You don't just read a Steve Berry novel. You live it. James Rollins Steve Berry always finds intriguing ways to link the past to the present in his fast-paced thrillers. Harlan Coben on THE PARIS VENDETTA All the Berry hallmarks are here: scale, scope, sweep, history - plus breathless second-by-second suspense. I love this guy. Lee Child on THE PARIS VENDETTA Sexy, kind of thriller Dan Brown on THE AMBER ROOM In Malone, Berry has created a classic, complex hero USA Today on THE CHARLEMAGNE PURSUIT 'Pure intrigue. Pure fun.' Clive Cussler on Steve Berry Action-packed, fast paced and engaging Sunday Express on THE VENETIAN BETRAYAL For several years, Steve Berry has been an ace practitioner among those writers who would pleasurably rob us of sleep ... Berry has proved himself an adroit practitioner of the Dan Brown-style adventure novel, full of colour and energy. Good Book Guide